Battery Crisis !

Ever found yourself in a situation when you are out stuck in traffic or a meeting , you don’t have your charger anywhere near and your iPhone’s battery is just 10%.
I know this situation can give you a mini heart attack because we all know how important phones have become in our lives.


Well don’t panic with some basic steps you can make your 10% last longer than 25% of calls only charge and easily make some emergency calls till you get to a place where you can charge your iPhone.

Tip 1: Turn off automatic brightness and turn down brightness to lowest.

Tip 2: Turn off bluetooth, 3g and wifi (even if not connected to wifi, keeping the option on consumes battery )

Tip 3 : Disable location services.

By following these basic tips you can make your 10% last equal to 25% of calls only charge.

Hope this helps 🙂
Cheers !!

Charge iPhone/iPad faster than normal.

With the growing use of smartphone apps in todays modern digital world the biggest problem being faced is battery life.

Ever found yourself stuck in a situation where you have to leave for some urgent work and your phone shows low battery ?
In situations like these even 10 mins of charge can save your life right ? Well what if i told you that in these 10 mins you can almost double the amount of charge by following just one simple step. Yes you read right ‘double’ !!

Step 1: While charging,

A: in iOS 7, open control centre by swiping up from screen bottom and click on the small airplane logo, putting the phone in offline mode.

B: in iOS 6 and lower, open settings and switch on the first option, i.e. Airplane mode.

Thats it !!

By putting your phone in airplane mode you can almost double the amount of charge or i should say cut down the charging time in half. 🙂